The yarn, a blend of wool, alpaca, and silk, feels like a dream. My only beef is that the Imperial color that I selected looked rich and plummy on the website but turned out to be more muddy in real life (looks positively brown in my own photo there, but the lighting is weird). There's a woman in my knitting group who dyes fabulous sock yarns so I think I'll ask her if an overdye might improve the hue.
Now, normally I'm pretty swatch-lazy and tend to knit up a quick square to see if I'm at least within range. With this project, though, I'm dealing with a silk blend and silk has a notorious reputation for growing after washing. Swatching, including measuring the stitch count before and after, is a necessity for that reason alone. Plus, look at all that cabling. I don't fancy getting eight or twelve inches into the project and then discover that the size is way off even before washing and have to frog it all and start again. Nope, this time I must curb my usual impatient startitis and do some proper swatching. The first swatch did indeed grow, and now I've got my second one drying on the sweater rack to see if I'm closer.
Swatching and blocking, bleah to both. But good for you that you are swatching correctly. Good luck!
Excellent effort on your part in attempting proper knitting technique! And good for you for knitting something wonderful for yourself. (Hope the swatch doesn't lie....)
You have more patience then me, for sure. I don't think I've ever successfully and attentively blocked anything. Ended up with some real UGHs as a result, but I just never seem to learn...
Thank you for the comment. I have sisters who have been looking after me. One came from Portland and stayed a week. With the help of them and friends, we will be OK. I'm going back to work, which shoul help.
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